Tuesday, August 18, 2009

If Your Cat Keeps You Awake at Night

Here are some suggestions to prevent your cat from disturbing you while you sleep.

1. During the evening, make a schedule of few interactive play sessions with your cat. For example, use toys that can mimic the movement of mice and birds, such as toys that dangle and wiggle. For cats who like to fetch, games with ping-pong balls, soft balls and furry mice toys are great.
2. Just before your bedtime feed your cat a main meal. Did you know that cats tend to sleep after a big meal? However, make sure you reduce meal sizes so that your cat doesn’t gain weight.

3. During daylight hours incorporate a variety of enrichment activities to keep your cat busy. He’ll sleep at night if your cats are more active during the day.

4. Consider adding a second cat to your family if your cat is social with other cats.

5. If your cat tries to play with you or wake you while you’re sleeping, you might need to shut him out of your bedroom at night.

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